Music. Marketing. And everything else.

Music. Marketing. And everything else.

Friday, November 1, 2013

7 Social Media Marketing Forecasts for 2014

2013 is almost over, and as 2014 is scheduled to fly by just as fast, I wanted to make a forecast on social media marketing before next year is over. 

So…Seven? Why Seven? Because 7 ate 9 ok? Also five’s too little, but ten is overkill - and if you’re anything like me, I’m afraid I will lose your attention! You still there? OK, let’s get started! 

Content is King… Still 

We will start off with something that hasn’t changed. It’s one of my favorite sayings, and I have this sitting two feet from my face, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week:

With Google’s new algorithm, Hummingbird, this saying has never been truer than right now. Google rules the internet. Without quality, in-depth, ever-changing content, you will not be successful driving traffic to your website or blog. Stay on top of the game! If you’re a tech company, write about current events in the industry. If you have a blog about music, write reviews about the latest album releases. Just stay up on current issues and events, write original content, and the Google Gods will allow you in search engine heaven. 

Google +

I know! Who uses Google Plus right? I do. And you should too. I’ll say it again - Google rules the internet. Here is a great infograph that tells you 20 reasons why you should use Google Plus

Two of the best reasons Med Kharbach points out: 
a.) Hangouts- Hangouts is like AIM chat rooms without the creepy a/s/l question (no? just me? Hmm). Unlike chat rooms, you can easily share documents, ideas, and incorporate video! 
b.) Better for business- There is a different crowd than on Facebook. More of a “LinkedIn” crowd (more on that in a bit). Also making a Google Plus page for your company allows for “better visibility and ranking.” 


Facebook incorporates photos into your newsfeed. And if you haven’t noticed, Twitter is beginning to do the same thing. Instagram is starting to roll out advertising. And SnapChat is surprisingly still prevalent. Everyone has a smartphone, and if you tell me you don’t have one of these apps on your phone, I’d call you a liar! Get your image game on! It’s WAY better for engagement. 


Vine hit the social networking world this year and made a big splash. Instagram followed up allowing users to create even longer videos than Vine. Knock knock! Who’s there? Google again. Yea, they own YouTube too. So it’s not a bad idea to get some videos up there and start sharing it throughout your other social media outlets. It’s also becoming easier and easier to create and edit a video! So there is almost no excuse. 

Moving to Mobile 

Part of the reason Google introduced Hummingbird, is that it is more mobile-friendly. People are talking to Siri to get directions, and more and more people are using their phones on the go while still doing what they would traditionally do on their laptop. Apps are everything, and as I stated in #4, EVERYONE uses them. Figuring out a way to advertise through a mobile device without being too obtrusive will be a big step! But it’s happening. 

LinkedIn for B2B 

LinkedIn is the Facebook of professionals. It’s a great networking tool to keep up-to-date with people within your industry. This also means you should share what you’re doing! Hosting an event? Let people know how they can go! Just won an award? Let em hear it! Create a page for your business and push your news out through there too. Just keep the selfies for Facebook. 


The hashtag is here to stay… for the time being. If you just watched the Sox win the series, you probably would’ve noticed the advertisements behind the home plate ump telling you to use #WorldSeries. Even Facebook uses them now, and if you’re not, you are missing out. Learn how to use them correctly, and you will be able to be found much easier! QR codes didn’t make it, but I think hashtags will continue to be popular throughout 2014.

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